How to create a home renovation Vision board

Welcome to Part 2 of the How to Renovate Your Home for the First Time series. Last week we talked about How To Use Pinterest For Your Home Renovation and today we are going to take that just a step further into creating a vision board with the ACTUAL elements you want to use. Get ready… it’s gonna be good!

So first off, there are two different methods you can use to come up with your vision board, or honestly you can do both. NUMBER ONE: I suggest if you naturally like to sketch and have a great sense of space then go ahead and sketch out your design. This is typically what I learn towards since I’m a visual person and have a clear idea of what I want in my head. NUMBER TWO: I know that isn’t always the case so if you have a hard time visualizing your ideas you are going to do a little digital work to create a design board. Let’s make one together!

Step 1: I highly recommend using canva to create your design board as it allows you to remove the background of an image on it if you have a pro version. If not there are other workarounds (such as website’s you can use, Microsoft and Mac do have systems built in that allow you to remove the background too). I highly recommend googling what you want to do and the device you are using.

Step 2: Look at your Pinterest. Say we are trying to design our Bathroom renovation. We are going to look at our Pinterest and see what elements we want to use. Then you are going to go to google and search for “Modern Farmhouse Vanity” or other keywords. You are looking for retailers that might have similar items that you want to purchase/built.

Step 3: Download the image that aligns with your vision and remove the background. Repeat this for all items you want to source.

Step 4: Open Canva and add all photos to the document. Organize the elements how they might appear in the space. Do they all go together? Do you like the overall vision? You might need to swap out some items and look for other images to better align.

NOTE: While searching if you find any item that you really like and want to potentially buy save the url/ link to a note document so you can purchase it later on.

Once you have your vision board you are ready to begin renovating and budgeting out your project!

Thanks for readying and I’ll see you next week as we discuss the 10 items you will need to begin a home renovation!


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