My Biggest Mistake this year… potentially ever!

2023 was supposed to be the best year yet. It was the year of a new baby and a home addition that we were so excited about. 

As most of you know, 2023 started out on a really high note when I found out a couple of weeks into the new year that we were going to be having a baby. However, 3 short weeks later, I learned that I would never get to meet that baby we were so excited and ready for. 

After losing our baby, the addition was something I was REALLY excited for and looking forward to. It was going to be gorgeous. Large vaulted ceilings rec-room, a basement playroom and the option for a bedroom someday.  We got our building plans all set in place, met with our builder and locked dates down on the calendar, starting with breaking ground in June.

The only thing left to do was go to the bank for a loan in April. In March, while we were in Florida for our family vacation, Riley’s dad/employer called us and said “hey, your bank keeps calling the business asking for you”. Which was really odd since the contact information was our personal numbers. So we ignored it and figured if it was important they would call us directly. 

When we got home we found out there was a missed delivery while we were away that needed Riley’s signature. He rescheduled it for a time when I would be home. But because it wasn’t addressed to me they wouldn’t allow me to sign for it. UGH! Once again, he rescheduled it again for a time when he knew he would be home. However, being on call 24/7 at the fire department, he missed the delivery again. Finally, days later he intercepted the package at the post office. When he got home he showed me what it was….we had somehow missed our mortgage payment… FOR THREE MONTHS. We had 10 days to pay our outstanding mortgage balance, or our house would go into foreclosure!

So we immediately got in the car and drove straight to the bank to get everything taken care of so we were in good standing. We are still not sure why Riley was never personally called about the issue… That’s a salty topic for a different day. The bank teller made us aware of the fact that during our Home Addition Loan Meeting in 4 days, there was no way they would loan us the money after our mortgage had become delinquent and we should prepare ourselves for it now … YET AGAIN, my heart was shattered.

Not only was our home addition not happening, Riley’s nearly perfect credit score had dropped almost 200 points. 

Now you might be asking HOW does that happen? 

I am in charge of all of our bills and am a stickler for paying off balances on time. I have NEVER missed a payment. The ironic thing is at the end of December, I was feeling stressed with all the to-do’s coming up so I did the responsible thing… I had put all of our bills on auto payments and didn’t think about them again.

My mistake was I completely forgot to do anything with the house since my name is not on our mortgage documents. The bank refuses to even discuss our mortgage with me without Riley present. I was embarrassed, mad, and angry at myself for this huge oversight. But I had no personal credit and did not have a prior need for credit. Which meant there was no way for me to take on this loan by myself or cosign it. 

Disappointment seemed to be striking at every corner. 

I was so heartbroken over this year and over it. I didn’t understand what God had planned. What was I was supposed to do… I was planning to share with you this addition and take you along for the ride.. And as if that wasn’t heartbreaking enough. I was not getting brand collaborations or partnerships like I was used to that help me afford to keep doing projects. I felt stuck and disappointed in every single part of my life. It wasn’t until you, my amazing followers and community encouraged me to build my own cabinets from scratch that everything hit me at once.

I love woodworking and I’ve somehow ended up in this space where people look to me for advice. Technically I am an influencer… but if I am being honest… that’s always felt icky to me. After talking with my team and getting your input it was very obvious to us.

God had bigger and better plans for me, for Timber & Twine and for us.

Today would have marked the month that we broke ground on the house. But today marks something else. Something equally as joyful and exciting!!!! If we had not missed the mortgage payments, if I had not been lacking in brand deals, if I had not lost the baby… I would not be able to have the ability to completely take what you know of Timber & Twine and flip it upside down

Timber & Twine is passionate about empowering people like YOU to kickstart your DIY journey and save money. 

Whether you’re already a pro, barely know how to use a drill, or somewhere in between. Through our courses, ebooks and blogs you will be confident to take on whatever project your heart desires.

 I can’t tell you just how uncomfortable, terrifying and completely thrilled doing this course has made me! 
I always knew I was passionate about building, and I LOVE sharing everything with you all in stories, but teaching you STEP FOR STEP and walking alongside you as you build is something I am OVER THE MOON excited about!
I am SOOOO excited for the next few weeks. don’t get me wrong I’m also scared and nervous at the possibility that it could be a complete bust, but if I’ve learned anything so far in 2023, its that I can absolutely, positively trust God’s plans over my life, and I truly believe he placed this course on my heart at the most perfect time.
This truly will be the best year yet… no matter what happens. 

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We are Passionate about Kickstarting DIY Dreamers to create spaces and build pieces they are proud of!

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